You get the call you have been waiting for! Confirmation that a company want to interview you! Amazing news! But in this new world we find ourselves, interviews are a little bit different….online! Attending any interview is daunting, however this comes with the added pressure of relying on technology and perhaps doing a video call for the first time! Not to worry, there are some great practical hints and tips we have put together to help you get going!
Get out of your pyjamas!
The day of the interview, get ready like you would going to an office, work venue or ‘normal’ interview! Pick your outfit the night before and make sure it is ironed and you are looking good! Even if the interviewer can’t see your bottom half, you will know, and you will have more confidence if you are dressed the part!
Even if you have video chatted with your family and friends before, this is totally different! Ask someone to video call you – using any software. Check out your positioning with your camera – is the lighting right? Are the acoustics in the room ok? Is the background you are using appropriate (washing lines are not!).
Prepare your equipment
Be plugged in to a power source and make sure you have decent internet! Also have a glass of water next to you in case you need a drink.
Make eye-contact
In a video interview make sure you look at the interviewers! Just because you can see yourself on screen it does not mean you should focus on yourself. It can be disconcerting seeing yourself on screen, but resist the urge to keep checking your hair!
Take a breath before you dial in! Recruiters, HR professionals and hiring managers are new to this as well! The more you do it, the more confident you will become!
To learn more interviewing techniques, or discuss video interview strategies in more depth, email us on
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About Nia Lloyd

Nia Lloyd
Graduate Diploma in Career Development
Certificate IV in Human Resources
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Bachelor of Science in Hotel & Restaurant Management

Nia is an experienced career practitioner who is passionate about helping people find their ‘true fit’, move through a career transition. re-entering the workforce or even if they just need someone to talk to.
For over 15 years Nia has worked in Human Resources, Recruitment and Career Counselling, bringing together a wealth of experience from a diverse number of industries to help people with their careers.
Nia is a Professional Member of the Career Development Association of Australia.