Career Voice started as Covid-19 had hit Australia, so face-to-face appointments were impossible! As so many other people had to, we embraced online video platforms to be able to offer support and found some amazing benefits of offering career coaching online.
Saving time, the convenience, expanding our reach, building your tech confidence, are all positives of going online.
It has however meant for us, and our clients, there is a new normal to adjust to. So how can you prepare yourself for online career coaching?
Some great tips are below:
- Building rapport with your coach is so important and a great coach will take the lead with this, but make sure you have a working camera (which is switched on) as this will make the experience a great deal easier.
- Check your technology before the session and turn off any phone alarms or notifications.
- As with any 1:1 coaching session, you want to be able to speak freely, so check no distractions. Also, tell any family members at home not to disrupt you.
- If we were meeting face to face, I would offer tea, coffee, or water. Unfortunately, this is not possible virtually, so bring along a drink for the session – you will be doing a lot of talking!
- Face to face, or virtual, some preparation prior to the session is so worthwhile – what do you want to get out of the sessions, what do you need assistance with?
- Have your notebook and pen handy as you might need to take notes.
- Dress the part! It might be easier to join the session in your PJs, but these sessions are about your career. Take some time to think about the image you are portraying in your career and where you want to be.
- Don’t multi-task or start doing something else. This is the time to focus on you, so be present in the call!
With a change in the way work is done by everyone, online career-coaching is here to stay! Drop us an email to book in for your online career session (we also do face-to-face appointments within Brisbane).
Online Booking now available!
Let’s get in touch!
Contact us now for an obligation free discussion as to whether career coaching is right for you.
About Nia Lloyd

Nia Lloyd
Graduate Diploma in Career Development
Certificate IV in Human Resources
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Bachelor of Science in Hotel & Restaurant Management

Nia is an experienced career practitioner who is passionate about helping people find their ‘true fit’, move through a career transition. re-entering the workforce or even if they just need someone to talk to.
For over 15 years Nia has worked in Human Resources, Recruitment and Career Counselling, bringing together a wealth of experience from a diverse number of industries to help people with their careers.
Nia is a Professional Member of the Career Development Association of Australia.